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    computer chip примеры предложений

    computer chip

    1. "Emma, you can't do that, it has a computer chip

    2. That way they get you at night, and suggest that you don’t really see where they inserted the computer chip under your skin

    3. That technological humanity can live in houses and cities rather than in caves or grass huts in small villages; that it can move about in comfortable mechanical devices rather than on foot or atop animals; that it has scientifically developed treatments for disease rather than having to rely on the ministrations of shamans and witch doctors; that scientists and engineers can create the enormous labor-saving capacity of the tiny computer chip; that astronomers can pursue an understanding of spiral galaxies, black holes, and the creation of the Universe—all of this and the rest of civilization is a result of patiently learning how to understand, to mitigate, and to exploit the potential of a raw and ferocious nature

    4. The computer chips he had designed and constructed to avoid the surveillance equipment are ingenious

    5. Programming the machine that would programme his design of computer chips is a simple matter of slotting in his memory card with his data into the machine

    6. When integrating some computer chips into human bodies an initial extended electrical force was needed

    7. Although they are small, using computer chips as a

    8. band-gap structures in their brains that are no bigger than a computer chip (see

    9. than a computer chip (these won’t require surgical implantation, but simply downloading,

    10. NO, the mark of the beast is not a tattoo or computer chip

    11. “There’s a computer chip in the microwave, the washer and

    12. He easily collected the computer chips he had been instructed to retrieve

    13. Garcia slid a computer chip over to Captain Glor

    14. He also put some kind of gadget on the machine as well, which Kathy would later learn was a specialized tracking device with specially designed and coded computer chips which would allow them to immediately download onto their computers everything recorded, so they could do a more extensive and detailed analysis of the messages left on her machine

    15. “We’re dead! The thing runs on a computer chip

    16. “It’s a computer chip!” he said with a gasp

    17. The brain is also likened to a computer chip

    18. By manipulating the masses by a matrix of fear and fear mongering and brainwashing, they want to introduce a computer chip which will create a ‘moneyless society’, an ID chip implant which cannot be ‘lost or stolen’

    19. While conspiracy theorists and others kept sounding alarms about the specter of computer chips,

    20. “It won’t work! The computer chips are all fried!

    21. The robot dude looked like he was about choke on a computer chip

    22. The mark of the beast is not a literal mark but a computer chip or bar code

    23. , the maker of computer chips, announced that it expected its revenues to grow by up to 5% in the next quarter

    24. Researchers have already implanted computer chips into the brains of paralyzed patients, allowing them to use their thoughts to control robotic arms

    25. Having accomplished her form, I turned to the computer chip of her brain

    26. , an advanced computer chip not yet marketed), GAAP disclosures are far from central to an analysis from the point of view of an OPMI stockholder

    27. He chuckled and said, “A bunch of us were having drinks at a bar in Virginia, and after the fourth scotch, somebody said, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if you could program a cell from scratch, just in the same way as you program a computer chip from scratch? What would happen?’ ” He paused

    28. Not long thereafter, hardware developers discovered they could use field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which are specialized devices used for computer chip prototype development, to mine bitcoins even faster than GPUs

    29. However, when the Bitcoin economy became extensive, it became worthwhile for computer chip developers to create application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), like the one in Figure 8-3

    30. These single-purpose computer chips were manufactured specifically to mine bitcoins in the fastest, most energy-efficient way possible

    31. These manufacturers may also hire their own research and development engineers to design newer and more efficient computer chips (i

    32. Computer chips made with features smaller than 14 nm dimensions don’t exist yet, but Moore’s law13 has persistently defied predictions by skeptics that computer chips have reached the smallest feature sizes possible

    33. Moore, cofounder of Intel, that the number of transistors on computer chips doubles approximately every two years

    34. This has held true for over 40 years, largely because feature sizes on computer chips have continued to get smaller

    35. On that basis, who do you trust more: yourself, a guru, or maths, science and a computer chip?

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